Imp by Sakuzyo

"Zaiere" Abdiel Sherif NAME
Demiboy GENDER
January 14 (24 y/o) BIRTHDAY
Traveler | Imp Class OCCUPATION
5'4 (163 cm) HEIGHT


The former Prince of Neksdor. While he acts disagreeable, blunt and "better than you", just like what you’d probably expect from someone who’s been pampered all his life living in riches and royalty, he's far from the conceited persona he puts off in actuality. His standoffish attitude might look like he’s simply not used to social interaction or gives off an air of being pompous, but he actually just doesn’t really see himself as a good person even with all his efforts.

He has a lot of difficulties trying to adjust from royal life, and has a hard time trying to connect with his teammates, coming off as brutally honest and hard to get along with. Despite wanting to get closer to others, his troubled past makes it hard for him to keep relationships. He believes himself a bad omen and a cause of trouble for anyone who he gets attached to, so he pushes others away and acts prickly to avoid any and all pain that comes from getting close to people.


Even if he struggles to show this between scoffing remarks and quips, Zaiere is by far one of the most goodhearted in the team. They always think of the well being of those around them, being defensive for others sakes or not beating around the bush when it comes to being blunt when it's really necessary. They're really good at bluffing. He's sort of had to grow up bluffing for most of his life, acting like he know's more than he does and giving a feel of confidence that can easily trick others. It often comes in handy, although they sometimes use it to mask feelings. Zaiere is unpredictable in behavior. Even he feels that his actions contradicts how he feels at times since they're really impulsive and acts on his first perception of a situation. He's extremely distrustful of others and even pushes others away to avoid pain, so building connections is really hard for them.

This section is a WIP and will be updated at some point!

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Dragonfruits, sunny weather, origami and Neksdor.

Dust, snakes, migraines and swimming.

Fencing, javelin throwing, origami, and sand bottle art.

Gold, summer, birds, feathers, paper cranes and the color yellow.

This applies to all my characters unless specified otherwise: i am NOT comfortable with any nudity/nsfw/fetish art, heavily altered skin tones, body types, or hair textures, very heavy gore/body horror or genderbends of any of my characters whether they are an adult or minor. Any character specific rules or notes will be listed below this for whichever character you're looking at. Thank you!

• Ship artwork is allowed for Zaiere with Etoze. More information on their dynamic can be found in their relationship tab.

• They wear a lot of loose, lighter colored clothing like gallibayas on normal days. Although on some occasions he likes dressing in more fancy clothing with gold jewelry, as a treat. Honestly they're probably also the type to like robes and have one of those dingly nightcaps to match, ps. if you drew this that’d be wonderful.


Opal Maritza-Skala

Opal holds an immense amount of admiration for Zaiere. She's one of the few who knows him very well, and vice versa as well. They've sort of become very close friends that don't exactly talk to each other all the time, but have this unspoken trust and appreciation for each other, knowing that the other always has their back. There aren't any awkward or uneasy expectations between the two of them, so they find comfort in being around each other.

Relationship Trivia
> Opal once walked in on Zaiere making origami cranes and was surprised at the sight. He let her observe him intently trying to memorize the techniques but messed up when she tried on her own, accidentally making a crane whos wings ended up being legs instead somehow. Zaiere found it hilarious yet keeps it on display in his room nonetheless-- to Opal's dismay.
> Adding on, Zaiere decided to properly teach her afterwards thankfully. They weren't as good as Opal hoped, but she still improved steadily. When Opal asked why he even knew how to make origami, she probably cried at how depressing the answer was.

Lunele/Maira Kersey

Childhood friends to one-sided enemies to best friends. These two have a very complicated relationship due to being separated from one another at a young age during a harsh moment, leading to misconceptions and resentment from Lunele's side particularly. They do resolve said-conflicts later on, and grow to become each other's best friend and support. They're the type of duo to poke fun at the other and act dramatic for no reason, while also defending each other for life if someone else threatens or hurts one of them in any capacity. Genuinely, they're both one of the most important people in the others' life, and the only ones left to remember a certain someone.

Relationship Trivia
> Despite their (playful) rude behavior to each other, they’d probably fight someone for the other if something came down. Given Zaiere’s got a lot of mixed reception from the public, this is particularly prominent for Lunele to do. "Only I can make fun of you fuck everyone else."
> When they were kids Zaiere was one of the Lunele's very first guy friends, and living with rather heteronormative parents led her to mistake feelings of friendship with them as romance. Both her and Zaiere mutually shudder at that thought now for several reasons (with no disrespect to either of them).

Etoze Floros

Significant Other. For Zaiere, they never thought it would be possible for them to be loved by anyone else, understood by another person aside from their bracelet companion until Etoze came along. Even after Zaiere tried so hard to push him away after the two started growing closer, Etoze always stayed. After seeing everything Zaiere tried keeping inside, he never gave up on them, never left. For that, Zaiere couldn't be more grateful now. Etoze means so much to Zaiere, more than he could say. And secretly, they wish they could stay by his side, for as long as they can.

Relationship Trivia
> When the two had first met, and hadn’t gotten along— Etoze referred to Zaiere as "my Prince" as a somewhat rude formality. When they had gotten closer, it ended up becoming a playful/joking nickname. Now it's both of their favorite petnames for Etoze to call Zaiere.
> Sometimes Etoze talks about random dark aspects of his childhood and things he experienced like they're not that big of a deal, even talking about them like they're funny stories. Every time without fail Zaiere is just completely thrown off and Etoze just has to sit there processing it as he's talking to realize "damn, now that I'm saying that out loud that actually is kind of fucked up haha."


Found family. One would think a mischievous and childish god like Xarasta wouldn’t regularly get along with a stoic troubled person like Zaiere, but these two share a wavelength that cannot be understood by normal means. Xarasta has known and seen Zaiere grow up all this time and supported them when they had been all alone for so long, even if the god was trapped in a bracelet the whole time. They are the only ones the other can consider their family in all honesty. Zaiere’s always in a good mood when he spends time with Xarasta and vice versa.

• Zaiere's Zodiac Sign is Capricorn, their Enneagram is 4w5, and his MBTI is ISFP.

• Although the story takes place in a fictional setting, Zaiere is coded to be of Egyptian ancestry.

• He is based on Gold. Their preferred name, Zaiere, was a name I came up with randomly with no particular distinct meaning. Their first name, Abdiel, was also a name I had come up with initially, but coincidentally is also an actual name of Arabic/Hebrew origin meaning "servant of god". Their last name, Sherif, is a name of Arabic origin meaning "honored".

• Zaiere usually will nickname people based off their title or an assigned title he gives them, which seems like a "I won’t call you by your name until I respect you" type of formality, but really they just suck at remembering names and internally this sorta bothers him...

• He mellows out a lot after joining the team, the direct contrast between his time with the team in Greenhorne and then afterwards really surprised many of his teammates. Zaiere however doesn't seem to think they've really changed all that much.

• They're very prone to getting migraines. Usually from stress or sensory overstimulation, which means they get them a lot since they're a very stressed individual.

• Zaiere is really good at both fencing and at javelin throwing, both things that his parents encouraged him to hone themself at. This did end up proving useful though when he came to use a spear as his weapon in team.

• It was Zaiere's old friend Hamdi who taught him how to fold origami. After Hamdi's passing, Zaiere continues to do origami on his own time to hone his skill and keep his friend's memory alive.

• His voiceclaim is Ziad Al-Sherif's voice for Varian from Tangled: The Series's Arabic Dub