Holy Knight by Eyemedia

Lunele/Maira Kersey NAME
Questioning Fem GENDER
Demiromantic Lesbian SEXUALITY
August 25 (24 y/o) BIRTHDAY
Knight | Warrior Class OCCUPATION
5'10 (178 cm) HEIGHT


The more serious sibling of the Kerseys and Koralo’s older sister. Being in a high ranked position within the Greenhorne royal guard, Lunele gives off a rather pristine and intimidating aura. She’s very skilled, elegant and diligent in her work.

In actuality she’s also a very anxious person who is very very protective over those she cares for. Especially when it comes to her brother, they’ll do anything it takes to keep him out of harms way and frets over him very much. Maira can also be surprisingly humorous as well and despite how serious they look, she’s a lot more of a jokester than you might expect. This lighthearted side only tends to show around people they’re a lot closer to.


An ideal warrior. Strong, resolved and protective of those around her. They don't play around when the time calls for it and exude a charm of elegance and dignity when in battle or strategizing. They're very good at working alongside other people. She has an awful sense of humor and finds delight in a lot of mundane or stupid things to laugh at. Probably dad jokes. She also sometimes has a soft spot and will let herself get dragged along for stupid things if they find it entertaining. They're usually highly anxious and high-strung at all times though. They look stoic 24/7, but deeply they fear of losing loved ones to the point they'll stop others in dire situations so they won't get hurt. They're very scared for others, even if it doesn't seem so.

This section discusses topics that may be distressing, including: mentions and/or implications of (insert warnings). This section is a WIP and will be updated at some point!

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Astronomy, candies, jewelry and bad jokes.

Pollen, vegetables, not having any control and talking about herself.

Swordfighting, jewelry making, taking naps and stargazing.

Moonstones, moon imagery, stars, light blues, and swordfighting/knight aesthetics.

This applies to all my characters unless specified otherwise: i am NOT comfortable with any nudity/nsfw/fetish art, heavily altered skin tones, body types, or hair textures, very heavy gore/body horror or genderbends of any of my characters whether they are an adult or minor. Any character specific rules or notes will be listed below this for whichever character you're looking at. Thank you!

• Ship artwork is allowed for Lunele with Walevi. More information on their dynamic can be found in their relationship tab.

• Maira always wears the silver earring in the shape of the moon. As for clothes, they don't have a specific fashion style. In their younger years, they wear a lot of refined clothing like Koralo, but as they get older their style delves a lot more into more casual travelwear and also a lot of long skirts with various sashes.


Koralo Kersey

People will often be surprised to see how easily the usually stoic Lunele will drop their guard around their younger brother, and the two seem to be extremely close and comfortable around each other. They tend to make a lot of jokes, come up with a lot of schemes together with the princess or goof off when no ones looking. Koralo however does feel insecure about her "dynamic duo" status with Lunele, since she is often seen as the better knight of the two. However she cares about his sister a lot and doesn't want to hurt their feelings.

Relationship Trivia
> He and Lunele own one matching earring each that they made for the other as kids. Koralos is gold and shaped like the sun. Lunele’s is silver and shaped like the moon.
> Lunele has always clung onto her earring and wore it nearly all times, and Koralo did as well up until he ran away from home, leaving it behind to run from Lunele’s shadow. After finding more closure and acceptance in himself and his relationship with Lunele, he started wearing the earring again.


Childhood friends to one-sided enemies to best friends. These two have a very complicated relationship due to being separated from one another at a young age during a harsh moment, leading to misconceptions and resentment from Lunele's side particularly. They do resolve said-conflicts later on, and grow to become each other's best friend and support. They're the type of duo to poke fun at the other and act dramatic for no reason, while also defending each other for life if someone else threatens or hurts one of them in any capacity. Genuinely, they're both one of the most important people in the others' life, and the only ones left to remember a certain someone.

Relationship Trivia
> Despite their (playful) rude behavior to each other, they’d probably fight someone for the other if something came down. Given Zaiere’s got a lot of mixed reception from the public, this is particularly prominent for Lunele to do. "Only I can make fun of you fuck everyone else."
> When they were kids Zaiere was one of the Lunele's very first guy friends, and living with rather heteronormative parents led her to mistake feelings of friendship with them as romance. Both her and Zaiere mutually shudder at that thought now for several reasons (with no disrespect to either of them).

Walevi Herre

Very good friends, historians might say. They're surprisingly very close despite their differing natures and hold a lot of admiration for one another. They both seem to enjoy nature a lot, or at least different parts of nature-- but usually they go on nature walks or stargaze together, mostly because one offers and the other thinks it'd be nice to join for company, except sometimes they get off track on their original idea and talk for long periods of time about anything else together. Lunele admires Walevi a lot, and thinks flora is a lot better than flor gives credit to floraself for.

Adelina Marquise

Lunele's former client. She and Koralo were assigned to protect her from all harm, and the close proximity led them to learn alot more about the usually calm-seeming Princess. Surprisingly, Adelina was the one always dragging the other two into her own mischief and secret plans. Lunele was kind of the skeptic about such endeavors, but found herself letting down walls to have fun and aid the Princess. Despite the fact Lunele was forcefully dragged into the adventure, Adelina still regarded her and Koralo as her Knights always.

• Lunele's Zodiac Sign is Virgo, her Enneagram is 6w5, and their MBTI is ISTJ.

• Although the story takes place in a fictional setting, Lunele is coded to be of Egyptian and Pakistani ancestry.

• Maira is inspired by moonstones. One of her chosen first names, Lunele, was a made up name I came up with based on the french word for moon which is "Lune". Coincidentally, Lunele itself is also an actual name of african origin meaning "our love is enough." Their other first name, Maira, is an arabic name meaning "favorable, admirable, light, swift or fast-moving." It is also an irish name meaning "sea dew" or "of the sea". Their last name, Kersey, is an english surname meaning "watercress".

• Maira is her birthname, while Lunele is an extra name she picked for herself. She likes Lunele more because of their love for space, but they also still like being called Maira, so they just go by both names. The preference is there of course, but she likes having the names alternated now and then.

• She was raised by her parents as a kid in Neksdor, but circumstances led her to be taken in by the Kerseys in Greenhorne and she took up swordfighting there. They grew up a little insecure about the disconnect with their culture due to this, but after the adventure she reunites with her biological parents and happily reconnects with her community. She also drags the other Kerseys into this to share the experience with her.

• They've always been fascinated in the stars ever since they were young. They like looking into zodiacs and horoscopes as a hobby, despite not actually believing in all of it genuinely. Since Koralo believes in them she finds it entertaining to tell him and see his over-the-top reactions

• She doesn’t necessarily like wearing glasses all the time, but refuses to wear contacts, so they often just put up with having to squint to see sometimes. Although this… ends up making her look more intimidating than she is.

• Adding on to the glasses thing, Lunele has an awful habit of sleeping with glasses on sometimes, especially with how they'll stay up to either stargaze or to get work done.

• She has a very big sweet tooth, although they don't really like to admit to it. They really like rock candy and those candies that sort of pop and fizzle in your mouth when you eat them. Basically pure sugar type candies that probably give you cavities if you eat too much.

• They and Koralo own one matching earring each that they made for the other as kids. Luneles is silver and shaped like the moon. Unlike Koralo's which Lunele made carefully and precisely, her earring by Koralo ended up a bit misshapen and messy. Lunele still cherishes it and wears it a lot.

• Her voiceclaim is Nathalie Alain's voice for Luisa Madrigal from Encanto's Arabic Dub.