Mellow by Rabpit

Walevi Fiorello Herrarte NAME
Transfem Nonbinary GENDER
Arospec Bisexual SEXUALITY
March 03 (21 y/o) BIRTHDAY
Florist | Flower Class OCCUPATION
5'6 (168 cm) HEIGHT


The elven retreats friendly neighborhood florist! Walevi is always seen around Fey taking care of the flowers nearby and talking about them to anyone and everyone who comes by to buy flowers from flora. Flor has a very imaginative mind that dreams big, but never actually has the abilities or the energy to start any of these ideas.

Actually, flor doesn’t really seem to have too much energy overall for just about anything (except flowers, magic and ballet…), and feels kind of insecure about not doing anything as "worthwhile" compared to others around flora. Though flor seems completely okay with floras calm little life selling flowers, playing harmless little pranks and with floras little hidden feelings for a certain fairy, at the same time flor worries a lot over floras value and whether flor is actually worth caring for.


When focused on what flor loves, flor is very tender and careful to take care of whatever flor is focused on, making sure to do things just right and not leave anything in any sort of disarray or mess. Flor also prides in being easy to satisfy, or at least they believe they're relatively low maintenance. Walevi can be described as quite airheaded and whimsical in nature, getting floras head stuck in the clouds for hours on end and dreaming of worlds far more ideal than this one at least. Flor also is rather calm most of the time, or at least unassuming, not standing out or acting particularly out there. Flora suffers from extremely low self esteem, to the point flor can't really say a single good things about floraself, not seeing floras own worth whatsoever and doubting floraself greatly, though not having the capacity where flor is to try and improve floraself.

This section is a WIP and will be updated at some point!

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Plants, ballet, insects, flower arrangements, and the outdoors.

Turkeys, simplicity, feeling small, and hail.

Gardening, flower arrangement, flower pressing for bookmarks, pottery, ballet dancing, nature walks, and admiring bugs.

Wavellite gemstones, ballet dancing, nature, spring, and plants of any kinds, especially lily of the valley and white roses.

This applies to all my characters unless specified otherwise: i am NOT comfortable with any nudity/nsfw/fetish art, heavily altered skin tones, body types, or hair textures, very heavy gore/body horror or genderbends of any of my characters whether they are an adult or minor. Any character specific rules or notes will be listed below this for whichever character you're looking at. Thank you!

• Ship artwork is allowed for Walevi with Lunele. More information on their dynamic can be found in their relationship tab.

• Floras clothing style mostly consists of freeing, lighter clothes. Lots of long pants and short sleeves, even no sleeves at all. Flor likes clothes that are easy to move in.

• Though I’m inconsistent with drawing it, flor should always be drawn with a pink swirl on floras cheeks. Treat it as a face marking or a blush, whichever you want.


Opal Maritza-Skala

A friend, Walevi’s first from the outside. Opal was patient, albeit quietly-spoken when they had first met. Walevi understood Opal’s feelings, her feeling of uselessness and emptiness at the time, and offered floras support. Once Opal brightened up again, she was able to express Walevi her gratitude. The two sometimes go on outings together since they are both outdoor lovers.

Lunele/Maira Kersey

Close Friends. They seemed to talk after working on an mission together and since then spent more time from there. Flor sees Lunele as floras dearest friend, and holds them very close to floras heart. Walevi feels comforted and safe just in her presence alone, and a feeling of warmth that flor has only ever felt for one other person. But like that person, Walevi doesn’t think flor could confront these feelings head on either, not for a long time.

Inacre Sabille

Walevi’s ballet partner from Fey, and a good friend of floras. When Inacre went out to Lotus Lake, he stumbled upon Walevi dancing there. It was Walevi that introduced them to ballet, and from there the two have practiced with one another. They both are people of little words, so the two managed to get along well. Maybe a little more than well? But that little bit wasn’t something either would address, or have the guts to.

• Walevi's Zodiac Sign is Pisces, floras Enneagram is 9w8, and floras MBTI is INFP.

• Although the story takes place in a fictional setting, Walevi is coded to be of Italian and Guatemalan ancestry.

• Walevi is inspired by Wavellite. Flors first name, Walevi, is a made up anagram of sorts of the gem flor is based on. Flors middle name, Fiorello, is a name of Italian origin meaning "little flower".

• Plants are a huge source of comfort for Walevi, and are floras hyperfixation. Flor could pretty much recognize just about any plant on the spot and has bunches and bunches of notebooks and sketchbooks filled with flora’s studies and pressings of plants. Flor would love to have seen every plant species in Miitopia in person one day.

• Walevi isn't very good with forming sentences coherently because of the way flor was raised, or... the way flor hadn't really been raised or taught much at all. This makes a lot of floras speech mannerisms seem a lot more choppy or odd. Flor still is able to comprehend words told to flora very very clearly, it is only speech that is difficult.

• Flor has a very hard time recognizing people due to facial blindness. This isn’t much of an issue with most of the team since they all stand out… a lot. Giada and Etoze though are a bit hard to distinguish.

• Walevi is the type to just collect a lot of keepsakes or mementos and just downright refuse to ever throw them away; flor is very sentimental about things and keeping them helps flora look back on fond memories.

• Flor is absolutely the type of person to pick up a giant bug that everyone else in the room is freaking out over and go "Isn’t it cute???" to everyones horror.

• The typically gross types of bugs tend to be the ones flor likes the most. Sometimes flor will even bring bugs deliberately into floras room, claiming to have brought them in because they’re beneficial for the houseplants.

• Flor's voiceclaim is Sheely Costa's voice for Spinel from Steven Universe's Latin American Spanish Dub.