Lost in the Nowhere by Rave Cyanide x Lunatic Sounds

Dar Lucius Eckstein NAME
Trans Man GENDER
September 15 (18 y/o) BIRTHDAY
Artist | Scientist (Class) OCCUPATION
5'8 (174 cm) HEIGHT


The polite yet calculating successor of Eckstein Corp. in Nimbus. Seen as talented for their age by the people around him, Dar does his best to dedicate themself to their work and to impress others. He tends to focus more on the tiniest details and on his teammates more than himself, offering support in any way he can all while keeping his distance.

Dar believes his only purpose in life is to make others happy, to be as helpful as possible and be the perfect inspiration he was born to be. At the same time, he also thinks of himself insignificant and a failure for each tiny mistake he makes. And despite accepting the position he’s been given, they don't actually seem too happy with the idea of inheriting the company… instead wanting to pursue other artistic interests. He continues to show a polite face though, pushing his feelings aside and continuing to focus on the more "important" things at hand.


A natural helper of the people and a generally pleasant seeming person to be around. He cares a lot for people, maybe a bit too much...? But he's always willing to chime in and add their own two cents in, offering advice or knowledge about things others might be clueless about, even rambling about said things too to rather extensive degrees. Dar is also very known for being nitpicky and particular about his work. He won't stop until he gets something just right, and sometimes that will take lots of time and frustration. In some instances, he's saved the team more than enough times by taking the time to figure things out, at other times this can come at the cost of sacrificing his own health as they're very neglectful of themself. He is a big perfectionist with a self-esteem as low as it gets. In fact they prioritize others far more than themself, hardly thinking to stop and take care of themself. They even believe they have to always be accomplishing things to prove their worth, not wanting to let others down at all yet not wanting to accept any help from others otherwise they'll feel just pitiful.

This section discusses topics that may be distressing, including: mentions and/or implications of depression, mental/emotional abuse and guilt-tripping.

Dar has been "gifted", as others call it, with a creative mind ever since he was young. The Eckstein family owns the biggest tech corporation in Nimbus after all-- he was fascinated by the line of work and jumped at the chance to work with machinery and create his own things as a child too. His parents loved this enthusiasm and breath of fresh air in the family, encouraging his skills and suggesting Dar to take over as CEO when they've grown old. This high praise from both family and from all the adults around him gave him a big confidence in his skills and intelligence despite being so young. Since he wasn't the social type, and already had his parents plans for taking over the company in mind-- Dar didn't make many connections with his peers at school since he thought his hard work and focus would pay off eventually and make his family happy. He did however get invested in drawing in his free time. His tutor and aunt Peitil was an artist, and she often held mini drawing sessions after their lessons together for fun. While he didn't mind the idea of taking over the family company for his parents sake, he found that he adored drawing and how calming it felt. He enjoyed the feeling of creating something for the sake of it-- rather than doing it because everyone just wants you to. It made him happy, and he found himself doodling on the side of notes or drawing whenever he found the time to.

As time went on though and as Dar grew up, so did his parents expectations. Having to juggle the success his parents want for him alongside school started taking its toll on his mental wellbeing, and he began growing into a depressive slump. He was scared of reaching out to his parents out of fear of failing their expectations as their high-achieving son, and slowly found himself turning to art for comfort. While this provided some form of solace, his academic success only declined further until his parents took notice themselves. Instead of supporting him, they guilt-tripped Dar for focusing so much on art than the future they picked out for him, expressing that it hurt them so much that he didn't agree with their choices and would focus on something that had no value in the end. Dar started feeling guilty that he tried to run from his shortcomings through simple pleasures rather than confront them by working harder-- promising to them it wouldn't happen again and reassuring that he would take over the company for them. He promptly stopped asking Peitil for art sessions during their tutoring, and after graduating school, hardly saw her much afterwards either. With school out of the way and more time on his hands, Dar tried to push himself to work more. He did end up more productive by cutting art out, but with all his time now being used on work... he only felt drained day after day.

His parents however were ecstatic about some of Dar's latest progress, cooing to him that he's capable of changing the world with his skills and that he's going to do so much good for the family and for everyone-- and that just putting in more effort was all he needed to do. Dar felt a bit happy, getting to hear this praise from his parents once more, and kept pushing forward despite the strain it put on him. He was starting to lose his spark and love for this future of his, but he kept up the good face just so he wouldn't worry his parents. Dar's parents began arranging public appearances for him to promote his role as successor in the near future and pushing him to aid with bigger projects within the company. One project involved research in the Neksdor Pyramids and the rumors of a powerful Orykto, so Dar left with a team of researchers to go investigate the matter. While they were arriving at their destination however-- the group was attacked by a frenzy of wild monsters, and scattered amongst one another. Dar was left stranded all alone in the hot fiery desert, until he was soon after found by Opal and the rest of the Neksdor group. From there, he agreed to help Opal's cause in his words, "because he owed it to her as a member of the Eckstein family", but in truth-- to run away again from his responsibilites.

Visual arts, video games, technology, and staying up late.

Contact lenses, wasting time, being in the dark and failure.

Digital art, ink art, engineering, coding, and playing video games, particularly platformers and rhythm games.

Marble, art, technology, machinery, clocks, time, futuristic aesthetics overall, nighttime, and winter.

This applies to all my characters unless specified otherwise: i am NOT comfortable with any nudity/nsfw/fetish art, heavily altered skin tones, body types, or hair textures, very heavy gore/body horror or genderbends of any of my characters whether they are an adult or minor. Any character specific rules or notes will be listed below this for whichever character you're looking at. Thank you!

• Ship artwork is allowed for Dar with Opal. More information on their dynamic can be found in their relationship tab.

• He dresses as if he goes to work or some business event everyday with a button up shirt and all since his parents tended to get only that for him. But if he had to pick, they have a bias for frilly clothing and intricate patterns. Both fem and masc clothes are okay! I don't like that I gotta say it but even though he likes fem clothes though, try not to be weird about it please :(

• He tends to smile a lot in public and around others to give off a prim and proper impression, but is often gloomy or expressionless on his own. Probably has eyebags but covers them up.


Opal Maritza-Skala

Dar sees Opal as their home. No matter where he is or what is going on, he always feels so secure by her side. Her energy is contagious to him and he can't help but feel motivated or happy whenever she's around, even if half the time she drags him into playing games and sweeps him in an instant. Dar loves Opal with all of his heart and feels thankful to him for giving him the space to heal and grow into who he is now. He wants to do whatever he can to support her and he wouldn't trade what they have for the world.

Relationship Trivia
> Dar likes to draw people a lot, but his favorite person to draw is Opal. Look through his sketchbooks and you'll likely find tiny doodles to full pages of her, all with hearts scribbled around them..
> Sometimes Dar will squeeze Opal's hand as a signal that he's stressed, and Opal will try her best to weasle their way out of whatever situation they’re in so she can be there for him more privately, which is usually just a barrage of kisses and whatever kind of comfort he ends up needing at the time
> These two stay up incredibly late working on their own little projects and talking together. Usually Opal falls asleep first since she can’t stay up as long as Dar can, so Dar has gotten used to having to grab a blanket for her and sometimes gives her a kiss on the forehead before going back to whatever he’s working on.
> Being the kind of person to probably hug plushies to sleep, Opal obviously clings onto Dar when they go to bed. Dar is surprised the first time around, but actually ends up finding it adorable.
> Opal often comes to Dar when she's overwhelmed just to have his company, since watching him draw and hearing his voice often calms her down incredibly easily.
> While Opal is big on pet names, Dar only saves them for more intimate moments, which never fails to make Opal practically combust on the spot when he does use them
> They have a lot of movie and game nights... if only they both didn’t spend hours browsing through all of their choices being indecisive as hell, only to choose the exact same things they always resort to watching/playing. Not that either of them really mind that though.
> With gaming nights though, they’re both actually surprisingly competitive when it comes to video games. They both make little bets on what the loser has to do, despite the fact that neither of them mind it in any case. Doesn’t stop either of them from trying to win though—
>These two have a combo move they came up with together combining the scientists Ignite with the princess’s Ultimate Wave that they've been trying their best to perfect, and when they finally did they were both absolutely ecstatic about it. Opal probably didn’t shut up about how proud she was for a week probably
> After defeating a monster together, Opal always rushes to hug Dar and the two just sort of hold on to each other happily praising and gushing about how awesome the other was in battle
> They definitely both go out to explore every now and then since even after the adventure, Opal still holds a passion for travel. Dar doesn’t mind since well- he would probably follow Opal to the ends of the Earth anyways
> Speaking of travel though, since Opals traveled to many different places that Dar hadn’t seen before since he kind of got taken away for that short bit in Neksdor Opal definitely brings him to the most gorgeous spots she’d been to like Lotus Lake and such for their dates
> Opal loves just holding Dar and lifting him up into the air or carrying him bridal style and spinning around. She’s strong enough to do it of course, and while embarrassed enough to not admit to it, Dar actually loves when she does this.
> Dar can’t dance very well but Opal definitely can, which eventually leads to an embarrassing yet sweet moment alone together of Opal trying to teach Dar how to dance…
> Dar also cannot cook for the life of himself, compared to Opal who’s been mostly self sufficient all her life in that regard. He’d probably try to surprise her by cooking something even she’s never made before, but Opal would just return to an absolute mess in the kitchen. He probably felt awful about it afterwards for being a screw up but Opal reassures him that it’s fine and offers to try again and learn it together with him.
> You'd think for someone who so confidently dishes out affection like it’s nothing, that Opal would be able to take it as well. But no, Opals a mess every time Dar does anything of the sort, especially physically. In the rare instances he does initiate these things like kisses and chaste gestures, these moments are always so incredibly drawn out and loving, and Opal can’t help but absolutely melt into his touch each time.
> While Dar’s affection is more intimate and soft, Opals usual affection is a lot more quick and fleeting, something that’d likely make your heart skip a beat. Which is mostly because she’s so sporadic, but also because the thought of initiating more intimate moments like Dar does herself makes her incredibly flustered.
> Opal loves to shower Dar in kisses frequently. Just quick little pecks at the most random moments whenever she possibly can. She always loves seeing the surprised look on his face each time too.
> Dar already smiles a lot around Opal, but every time she does something that leaves him in awe or admiring her, which is extremely often he just has this incredibly soft look of complete adoration on his face that just makes Opals heart burst
> Being the hopeless romantic that she is, Opals such an incredibly big sap. Almost sickeningly so. In their softer moments together, she can’t help but say the same old mushy things she always does about how much she loves him and how happy he makes her.. but honestly it always makes Dar happy to hear, especially given that he’s the kind to worry about not being good enough for her, the constant reassurement lets him slowly learn how to believe it for himself.

Giada Floros

A close friend. They both tend to be helper-types albeit for differing reasons, so they usually end up having this chain of "let me do this for you!" to repay each other for deeds. As a doctor though, sometimes Giada worries for their wellbeing since Dar tends to go overboard with wanting to help people and lacks the capacity to focus on themself. They also both love to indulge in visual art, Dar with drawing and Giada with embroidery and are somewhat of supporters to one another.

Etoze Floros

An unlikely duo. Dar respects and looks up to Etoze immensely, as a fellow enjoyer of arts, and as someone who cannot fathom being so confident and unabashedly themself the way that the musician is. Etoze on the other hand sees Dar and his struggles, and understands this. He doesn’t know if he has the capacity to, but Etoze wants to show Dar it’s okay to be himself, and give him that space to discover himself the way he was given a space himself when he was a young kid. They get along very well all in all.

Peitil Sty

Dar's aunt. He holds nothing except admiration and appreciation for her and all she's done for him and also Notadyr. Peitil has done everything to stand up for Dar and encourage him to follow his dreams despite the rest of his family's pressure. It makes Peitil happy to support Dar since her own child's passing, so she sees him as her own even-- which isn't too far off considering she's more of a supportive parental figure than Dar's own parents.

• Dar's Zodiac Sign is Virgo, his Enneagram is 9w1, and his MBTI is ISFJ.

• Although the story takes place in a fictional setting, Dar is coded to be of German ancestry.

• Dar is inspired by Marble. Their first name, Dar, is a name of English origin meaning "marble", however it coincidentally is also a name of Indian/Hebrew origin that can mean "mother of pearl" among other meanings. Their middle name, Lucius, is a name of Latin origin meaning "light". His last name, Eckstein, is a name of German origin meaning "cornerstone".

• He used to play the cello and violin. He started with cello but ditched it for the violin at some point later because of the inconvenience of carrying a cello. He doesn’t play either anymore but if you handed him a violin he still vaguely remembers the techniques of playing.

• Dar cannot paint for his life. he likes EVERY other traditional art medium but despises paint. Oil paint however is at least tolerable to him.

• He used to tinker with machines at a very young age to mimic his parents, and turned out to be a prodigy inventor. It became a bit hard and almost sickening as he grew older to even bother with machines, but now he's trying to make the hobby into his own rather than associate it with parents.

• Their aunt Peitil probably knows him better than his own parents. They get very embarrassed at the idea of people meeting Peitil though because they've probably stored all his old drawings as a kid and has all the embarrassing stories to share about him.

• Despite trying to upkeep a good physical appearance to others, they are unfortunately a back pain and hand pain haver from terrible posture when working or drawing. Their health habits (or lack therof...) probably doesn't help very much.

• They do eventually get themself a hand brace to help lessen their hand pains somewhere in the middle of the adventure, thanks to Giada's suggestion for it.

• Dar likes video games a lot. They never got the chance to play them much when he was in high school compared to when he was younger but when he does play them now he still picks up on mechanics or cheats pretty well.

• He really really likes rhythm games, platformers and open-world games. They're super prone to picking up games, playing for an hour and then dropping it though, with the exception of some that have probably over hundreds and hundreds of hours of time played.

• His voiceclaim is Kyle McCarley's voice for Mob/Shigeo Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100's English Dub