Growing up under the magnificent and renowned sleuth Cornelius Trémaux, young Peirotte has a hunger for mysteries and crime-solving of all kinds-- whether it's a simple matter of small disputes and missing items, or a grand heist and even a murder, Peirotte is determined to solve any mystery they come across! You can rest assured that in spirits tiny hands, things will be (almost) a-okay!

Lumiose City
A dazzling metropolis of art and artifice, located in the very heart of the Kalos region. Trémaux Agency, run by Cornelius Trémaux, can be found here.

Santalune City
The calming atmosphere and amiable residents make this friendly city a great place to visit.

Camphrier Town
This ancient town was once famous for the long-neglected manor home of a noble family. Some still come however to peruse the old manor and learn of the town's history.

Cyllage City
A city nestled between the cliffs and the sea, overlooked by steep Bicycle racecourses. Although Lumiose is the biggest spot in Kalos, Cyllage also does fairly well as a sporty hotspot.

Geosenge Town
A town lined with mysterious stones and encircled by strange ruins of old. Many of the locals here have lived with their families in this same town for generations.

Shalour City
The seaside home of the Tower of Mastery, where the legend of mysterious stones lives on. The Guardian of the tower is also known for holding one of the region's most successful training dojos.

Coumarine City
An exclusive resort area made popular thanks to its clear skies and mild atmosphere. Another relatively busy city within the region with lots of food stalls amongst other shops lining the streets.

Laverre City
An unearthly city created by those inspired by a mysterious and ancient tree 1,500 years old. It tends to be another well-known area for shopping and also sight-seeing alongside Lumiose and Santalune.

Anistar City
The starry city marking the hours. Some say the enigmatic device used as a sundial came from outer space, although it seems to be a rumor if anything else.

Snowbelle City
The city of everlasting winter. For unknown reasons, the city always seems to be covered in snow year-round. It's a bit far from Lumiose, so not many visit-- but it tends to get a lot of tourists in the summertime in particular.

Kiloude City
This city, popular with most tourists, is a typical example of southern Kalosian life.
All of the following sections are work-in-progress, thank you for understanding !!



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