Seraphim by Yooh

Kazmer Drystan NAME
April 04 (32 y/o) BIRTHDAY
5'10 (178 cm) HEIGHT


The 4th highest-ranked Chief of the Mortalia Regime. Kazmer is known for being the most fearless of the Chiefs, and he holds that reputation with pride. He cares very little for anything that isn't battle, and believes the best way to get to know someone is through their fists.

Many would describe him to be quite vulgar and crass honestly, and he lacks any shame in his brutish behavior despite some of his colleagues wishing he'd be a bit more... dignified, as a Chief. And less careless about getting hurt-- although Kazmer seems to find even the pain in battle exhilerating, almost moreso than inflicting it to others himself. He'll even hold back and make the battle more difficult for himself just for the excitement-- seeing the injuries he gets in battle as trophies to be proud of.

This section is a WIP and will be updated at some point!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

This applies to all my characters unless specified otherwise: i am NOT comfortable with any nudity/nsfw/fetish art, heavily altered skin tones, body types, or hair textures, very heavy gore/body horror or genderbends of any of my characters whether they are an adult or minor. Any character specific rules or notes will be listed below this for whichever character you're looking at. Thank you!

• Ship artwork is NOT allowed for Kazmer. Any character interactions with this character must be kept platonic.

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.


Sennett Barron

Although Kazmer is a tricky beast to tame, so to speak-- he holds the utmost respect for Sennett. Kazmer's never seen someone who is so far beyond his own strength and it excites him, always asking Sennett to spar and being (partially) cooperative with him compared to most. And to the surprise of many, Sennett doesn't seem to mind Kazmer's company or these requests, as he finds it a way to help the both of them with their strength efficiently.

Donna Adelaide

Donna and Kazmer are a surprisingly odd duo, as one would think the proper Lady and the undignified brute would clash-- except they don't. Donna does chide his behavior, but par's also discovered if par acts pitiful and laments how par needs a big strong person to help do whatever chores par needs, Kazmer will run to fait's aid immediately. Kazmer has yet to realize, but wouldn't mind since he considers the physical activity training anyways.

Charis Eir

Kazmer has a very keen interest in Charis. She doesn't entertain his requests to spar very often as she likes to keep her focus on her work, but the times they do spar have given a lot of interesting signals to him. Despite her seemingly soft disposition, Kazmer has a sharp eye when it comes to his opponents in battle, and Charis is much more than she lets on. For that, he looks forward to each of their future matches, as Charis is a mystery he wants to understand better.

Azrael Flohr

They have an on-and-off friends and enemies thing going on. They like training together, or moreso Azrael lets Kazmer train with their soldiers. They have some fun banter and conversations together at times, and on a good day they'll be the best of friends! But sometimes they might run into a disagreement or argument that will last the entire rest of the week-- which isn't the biggest deal except for the fact they make it the rest of the Chief's problem.

Teolen Ansaldo

A classic match of brains and brawns-- these two get along exceptionally well. Despite the fact Teolen isn't much of a fighter technically speaking, Kazmer actually holds a lot of respect for her and what she does, finding zir's work fascinating. Ze on the other hand thinks Kazmer's a funny guy and often asks him to participate in her experiments since he's the most willing to do so and the one with the highest pain tolerance.

Elise Servell

They don't really get along at all. Elise holds him in a lot of contempt and the same could be said the other way around. Kazmer is too disorderly and out of pocket and Elise is too stuck up and nitpicky for the other to tolerate. They're water and oil and you could not pair them up on any mission together because they just won't get along or listen before they start arguing. It doesn't help that Kazmer pokes fun at Elise either sometimes, causing very bitter feelings overall.

• Kazmer's Zodiac Sign is Capricorn.